(314) 647-3847


Back Pain

Most people experience back pain at some point in their lives. Some are fortunate in that it’s temporary and they enjoy relief within a few days. Others live with chronic back pain, impacting their quality of life and ability to take care of their responsibilities. At Complete Care Chiropractic in Brentwood, MO, we are dedicated to helping you achieve lasting, natural relief.


Common Causes of Back Pain

One of the first steps in treating back pain and preventing it from returning is uncovering the root cause. Here are a few causes you might encounter:

  • Spinal misalignment
  • Disc issues, including herniated discs, bulging discs, and degenerative disc disease
  • Pinched nerves
  • Muscle tension
  • Sprains and strains

In some cases, these injuries are caused by a sudden accident, like a fall at work or an auto accident. In most cases, however, the injury is the result of ongoing habits and activities.

For example, poor posture can be contributing factor for back pain, as it puts unnecessary pressure on the spine and discs. Repetitive lifting with poor form is another top cause.

How a Chiropractor Near You Can Help

Chiropractors work to identify the root cause of your pain, as well as the contributing factors. Once uncovered, they can develop a personalized chiropractic treatment plan to help address your unique needs. Some techniques that we may work into your treatment plan include the following:

  • Adjustments and manipulation to help correct alignment issues, improve posture, relieve undue stress on the muscles, discs, and nerves
  • Soft tissue mobilization to help reduce tension and increase blood circulation
  • Therapeutic exercises to help stretch and strengthen the soft tissues, improve blood flow, improve posture, and prevent future pain and injuries
  • Nutritional counseling to help relieve inflammation, improve joint and muscle health, help the body to heal, and more

Get Chiropractic Care and Back Pain Treatment Near You from a Chiropractor Near You

It’s time to stop letting back pain control your life. Our team at Complete Care Chiropractic in Brentwood, MO, is committed to providing holistic treatment techniques to address your individual needs. Call us (314) 647-3847 to schedule an appointment and get chiropractic care and back pain treatment near you from a chiropractor near you.